WWDC 2017 vs My Expectations

Before Apple's 2017 WWDC Keynote, I wrote "Four Things I Expect from WWDC 2017", and now that we know what happened, I'm going to see how they stack up.

1. More Hardware Than Usual: Correct!

Apple undoubtedly announced more hardware than usual this year. They updated pretty much the whole Mac lineup. MacBook, MacBook Pro, and iMac all got nice spec bumps, and Apple gave us a sneak peek at the iMac Pro coming in December.

Apart from the Mac, Apple showed 2 new iPad Pros—an all new 10.5 inch model and a spec-bumped 12.9 inch model. And as many thought would happen, they announced their take on the home-assistant speaker—HomePod.

2. iOS Design Refresh: Correct!

I was right on this one too. Apple took the design language that's better for large phones from Apple Music and News and applied it across all of iOS 11. There's also a completely redesigned control center and notification center.

3. Better iPad Productivity: Correct!

iPad Productivity was undoubtedly a primary focus this year. Apple added an all new Files app, an expandable doc that can be summoned while in apps, better multitasking, drag and drop, improved Apple Pencil support and a lot more. If you use your iPad to get things done, iOS 11 is a massive improvement for you.

4. Focus on Siri and other Services: Not Quite Right

I wasn't quite right on this one. I predicted, "Apple Music, iCloud Drive, the App Store will all get nice updates, and Siri will be significantly revamped, because it needs to be way better."

I definitely thought there would be much more of a focus on Siri, and although it did get some updates, I was wrong about the amount of focus it would receive. That said, the other serviced did get some nice updates. Apple Music, iCloud Drive (with Files app) and iMessage were all improved, and the App Store got a completely new design.

Final Score: 3.5/4


Header image from Unsplash.